
Showing posts from July, 2020

Artemis Fowl (2020) Movie Review

Throughout my time trying to understand how to critique and understand pieces of media such as movies, television shows, video games, and the like, I've always tried to approach everything with a reasonable amount of optimism. Usually speaking, nobody actually tries to make something that intentionally fails to appeal to the general audience, even when the product serves nothing more than to be a quick cash grab. After all of the time, money, and effort, surely making a little profit back is something to make that work worth it.  But there does come a time and place when there comes something that many people say is bad, and just accept the possibility that I may dislike it before even clicking the play button. I don't (And likely never will), but maybe there are times when my optimism could be dial back a few notches to help me accept the inevitable.    This is my experience with Artemis Fowl. Now I don't think I'm too unintelligent when it comes to an understanding ba