
Showing posts from September, 2019

Movie Review: The King of Comedy (1983)

            So how about that new Joker movie? You know, the one that stars Joaquin Phoenix and has stirred up a controversy about its depiction of one of comics' most psychotic madmen. That one? Well yeah, we're not talking about that one. Well, not entirely anyway. Instead, we're looking at one of the film's major inspirations and how elements taken from that film were used in Joker .      This is The King of Comedy .       During Joker production, director Todd Phillips had stated that the film's script drew inspiration from many movies like Serpico , One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest , The Man Who Laughs , and even his own Hangover films. However, they were two particular films whose concepts and themes are most present in Joker , and both happen to come from the same director. Martin Scorsese, who is widely agreed to be one of the best western film directors ever (Hyped to the max for his upcoming The Irishman coming this November!)